Trainings for Student Employees

All student employees must take Accommodating People with Disabilities, the Preventing Harassment and Discrimination, and the Data Security and Privacy training within 30 days of hire. Students can find these trainings within their Workday Notifications, or they can find them by selecting Menu from their Workday homepage and selecting Learning from the list.

  • Required Trainings
    • Preventing Harassment and Discrimination Training
    • Accommodating People with Disabilities Training
    • Data Security and Privacy Training

Training Hints

As a supervisor who reflects CADRE values, you also can be a mentor. When training a student employee, you are encouraging the student to achieve professional work experience that will benefit them when they graduate. As a mentor, you should help student employees understand the value of each assignment and how their work contributes to the department’s goals and productivity. If a student employee takes ownership of what they are doing, the quality of work and dedication to your department will be invaluable. Do not underestimate the abilities of our student employees, they are a valuable part of the MSU Denver team!

Quick Tips:

  1. Welcome the student by ensuring that their workstation is ready. Give a tour of the department with introductions. Provide a brief overview of the organizational structure.
  2. Training should begin on the first day of work. Do not assume the student knows what needs to be done. If you have a manual explaining the duties, review them.
  3. Advise students of expectations (performance, dress code, breaks, timeliness, etc.)
  4. Review timesheet due dates, how student should monitor their total hours worked and procedures for timesheets.
  5. Discuss the importance of confidentiality when working with departmental information.
  6. Provide a general rundown of their role and responsibilities, focus on the positive and emphasize why their position is important to the department.
  7. Encourage questions and ask for feedback to ensure instructions are understood.

Work Environment

  • Supervisors should express their appreciation for the hard work of their student employees.
  • Make student employees feel important and a valuable part of the team.
  • Outline procedures and expectations clearly.
  • Set a positive example of professional, ethical, and polite behavior.
  • Give student employees the tools they need to succeed.
  • Treat the student employees as you would want to be treated.
  • Be firm, yet flexible.
  • Be considerate, supportive, and sensitive to the student’s personal and academic needs.
  • Have regular staff meetings with the student employees to let them know what is going on in the department that may affect them.
  • Give special recognition to graduating students.
  • Address problems as they arise. Do not let them fester and grow.
  • Offer reduced hours during finals, midterms, and papers.
  • Please remember student employees are students first. If a conflict arises between their job and their academics, academics come first and foremost.